Saturday, July 17, 2010

Any time now...

Kyla's due date is Aug 7th and rapidly approaching. Here's a pic from earlier this week during a family afternoon on the river. She's a trooper. Send her a note of encouragement if you have a chance sometime in the next couple of weeks.



  1. what a good lookin' mama! cute baby bump kyla! i look forward to seeing the little man on the outside :)i'm praying you have a blessed remainder of your pregnancy and a smooth labor and delivery!

  2. Kyla looks amazing and gorgeous! I'm praying God will continue to equip you for the days ahead!

  3. I feel like this is one of those pictures that you'll pull out (or look up) years from now and love. I have some of my mom like this that are among my favorites.

  4. Kyla--You are so pretty! :c)
