Sunday, September 2, 2012


Rain is falling. I can hardly believe my own words.

Hurricane Isaac, or what's left of him, visited us today. It's hard to rejoice after seeing devastation and loss come from the same clouds overhead, but we are in such need of rain. Here in the mid-west we are in extreme drought. Farmers are striving to reap a tiny harvest, if any, this Fall. And today - rain has arrived.

It has been falling for more than 12 hours now, as I sit writing and glancing out the window at the water we so desperately need finally reaching our dry and thristy ground. I don't remember any growing season so dry in my lifetime. Just yesterday cracks in our dusty yard were large enough for me to slide my hand into. And now they are overflowing as the Lord has opened the floodgates of heaven. We thank the Lord for His provision, but this is not what we planned.

Throughout this dry season, Matthew has been hard at work managing a busy restaurant, putting in over 55 hours every week there. In addition, he has taken on the HUGE task of re-painting our 90 year old home. Because of the condition of the exterior, the process involves shaving off all the layers of paint that have been applied over the years, then sanding the bare wood siding which he has exposed, and finally beginning to apply primer and paint. He has tediously and excellently been working on the house since Spring.

Today was a carefully planned painting day.

And the storm clouds were moving in as Matthew was beginning. After months of immeasureable precipitation and extreme heatwaves, rain would began to fall. Yes, we did know it was in the forcast, but one never knows for sure what the Creator's forecast is, right?

We actually found ourselves wanting the rain to go away, or at least hold-off until we were ready for it. How ridiculous does that sound? What we desperately need and have even been praying for is here, above our heads. The clouds are about to break open with blessing and we want what we want, not what we need.

How often do you find yourself in that place? Failing to be thankful for God's good gifts supplying your needs, your heart falls to the ground saying, "No, I don't want this. I want something else."

My falling heart was reminded that, "In his heart a man plans his course, but it is the Lord who directs his steps." And blessed be the name of our Lord.

Our boys knew what to do. Our hearts can learn a great deal from them too. As our steps were directed to gather our supplies and make sure everthing was out of the rain . . . Micah and Tucker were making their own plans. Their steps led them to play in the rain. Finnley was alseep at the time or would have been right by their sides, jumping in puddles.

The boys were outside with thankful hearts dancing and twirling, eyes smiling to the heavens as big, wet drops rolled down their faces. It was beautiful and my heart was falling watching it all - falling more in love with them and the God who gives and takes away.

I did managed to capture a couple photos before Micah and Tucker came in because they were "freezing." Their clothes were drenched, but right after they came inside they enjoyed a warm bath and hot cocoa, upon requested.

Lord willing, in just a few days we will finish this phase of painting the house. I [Kyla] am so proud of how Matthew works hard for us. The boys and I are truly blessed by his hands everyday. Praise the Lord for giving Matthew strength and passion to provide for his family. Through the seasons of drought and plenty, I am falling more in love with my man. It is how the Lord designed marriage to work; the groom lovingly and sacrificially providing for the bride. It is a vague shadow of how perfectly Christ provided for us on the cross. The Lord has and will always faithfully love His Bride [those who believe and trust Him].

Here on August 31, 2012 our boys helped us to see how to rejoice over what the Lord does provide. May we all see Him more clearly and fall more in love with Him.

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